Want a beach body?

I love this quote that has circled my newsfeed and the internet over the past couple of months.


(I googled this so not sure who to give credit to for the picture but it’s no mine!)

I came across this article on xojane and in the height of summer wanted to share it with you all because the photos and messages underneath are spot on.

Real Beach Bodies

Don’t let anyone or anything put you off wearing what the fuck you want this summer! If you have a body, then you have a beach body so get out there and soak up that vitamin D

Carol Rossetti – WOMEN

This is one of the reasons I love facebook and can’t quite give it up because I come across amazing things like this from the various pages I follow. This is the amazing work by Carol Rossetti, so simple yet so powerful! I wanted to share on the blog because I felt it so fitting and something a lot of woman will relate to. Also the illustrations are just too KICK ASS not to share.












Posted with permission. Please go to http://https://www.behance.net/carolrossetti to see more of her amazing work!

It’s about the the Choice!

An excellent post we just had to share


So as you might have guessed from my previous posts or if you follow me on twitter, I am totally pro-body hair and here is why:

Its really cool, you can plait it, dye it and all sorts of fun stuff!

Its a two fingered salute to the Patriarchy (and you don’t even have to do anything!!)

It gets really softie and nice when you grow it out as well.

Its like wearing an extra pair of tights when its cold but it doesn’t make you too hot in summer because human hair is hollow.

Money spent on hair removal cream —> Money spent on CHOCOLATE (or other treats)

Its the way all the cool people know who the other cool people are.

Time spent scraping hair off my body —> Time spent blogging! (or reading or watching TV or knitting micro bunnies)



View original post 308 more words

little drops — Why Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches” Video Makes Me Uncomfortable… and Kind of Makes Me Angry

So this Dove advert has been doing the rounds lately and it kind of niggled at us. This post from little drops articulates the issues we had with it better than we can ourselves, so give it a read!

“So this video started going around my facebook today, with about a dozen of my female friends sharing the link with comments like, and “Everyone needs to see this”, and “All girls should watch this,” and “This made me cry.” And I’m not trying to shame those girls! I definitely understand why they would do so. And I don’t want to be a killjoy. But as I clicked the link and started watching the video, I started to feel a slight sense of discomfort. I couldn’t put my finger on why that was, exactly, but it continued throughout the whole thing. After watching the video several more times, I have some thoughts…” 

via little drops — Why Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches" Video Makes Me Uncomfortable… and Kind of Makes Me Angry.(click to read the rest of the article.

Happy birthday

So, as well as being Valentine’s Day and the One Billion Rising day of action, today is Project Naked’s first birthday. A year ago, we decided to start this project as a way to hear the real stories of women’s relationships with their bodies, and that Project Naked is still going today is thanks to the dozens of women who’ve been generous enough to share their personal stories with us and with the world.

We wanted to give voice to how women really feel about their bodies without it being filtered through a media which – whatever “love yourself” rhetoric it uses – degrades and demeans women and tries to create a negative narrative surrounding body image. The responses we’ve had have been overwhelming and humbling, and we feel extremely privileged to have shared women’s stories of joy and of struggle. Every woman who contacts us has a different story to tell about how their life, their experiences, and the society they live in has shaped the way they feel. It still feels like an absolute honour every time a woman gets in touch with us to share her story, and we hope that reading them has inspired you; angered you; comforted you about the lives we live as women.

This past year has been amazing and we hope it will only get bigger and better in the future. Every woman and every body has a story to tell; you might think yours doesn’t matter but they all do, and we want to hear them. If you like this project, please share it with your friends, tweet about it, and consider submitting your story. Project Naked exists and is built through the words of the women who contribute, and we publish every story we receive. Check out Where do I start?! for some ideas and get in touch at projectnaked@gmail.com.

And once again the most enormous thank you to everyone who has contributed or shared the blog in the past year. We’ll leave you with this awesome map of all the countries where people have viewed Project Naked since it began.

World map